Your initial consultation will include a thorough case history and detailed examination to determine your need and appropriateness of chiropractic care. You will be advised if further investigations are required, or if a referral to another health care provider would best serve you.

Your chiropractic examination will include observation (posture, gait, range of motion), palpation (feeling of soft tissue tone, joint movement), specific orthopaedic and neurological tests, along with any further imaging which may be indicated (x-rays, ultrasound, MRI). The purpose of the examination is to assess the condition of your spine and nervous system, locate any areas of spinal dysfunction and rule out any contraindications to chiropractic care.

If chiropractic care is deemed suitable a sincere and collaborative plan of care will be recommended and tailored to your needs. This will usually (but not always) involve a series of specific adjustments, each building on the ones before, over an initial short period of time.

In almost all cases you will be adjusted on your first visit.

Chiropractors call the process of correcting spinal dysfunction an adjustment. An adjustment is a procedure in which a chiropractor uses their hands to apply a quick, controlled force to a spinal joint, in order to restore the joint’s proper movement. At times Alex will incorporate lighter force techniques aimed to restore soft tissue tone to help improve joint movement.

The specific adjustment techniques chosen will depend on your age, presenting condition and comfort levels. Chiropractors are highly trained professionals and have a range of techniques to suit most individuals at all ages.